Essay on Design: How Do You Write One?
Has your lecturer asked you to write a design essay? Writing an essay on design can be a daunting task especially if it’s your first time. You want to write an essay that your lecturer will be impressed by and you also don’t want to fail the assignment!
Luckily writing a design essay isn’t hard, we’ve written this article to help you out. Here we cover how to write a design essay(without the help of websites that write essays for you) with an example and some further reading on the way through. Let’s get started:
1. Writing your introduction:
There are three main things that you should mention in your essay’s introduction. Firstly, introduce the reader to what design is (don’t forget to include diagrams and pictures of good design). Secondly – tell your reader why they should care about this topic. Finally, introduce your thesis statement, don’t just say it though! Make sure you explain what a thesis statement is and how it can help them understand your essay better.
“Design has been around since the dawn of civilization”
An example of modern-day ‘design’
People have been designing for centuries from fashion to architecture to computers… etc… etc… The impact of design has touched almost every aspect of human life. But do people really think about the impact of design and what they can learn from it?
The thesis statement:
People should know the importance of good design in their lives, good design is everywhere and even if they don’t think about it people need to be aware of its importance.
2. Writing your introduction part two:
Now that you have included a good introduction you need to introduce yourself too! Don’t just jump into writing about design right away. Even though this is an essay on ‘design’ you still need to introduce yourself as a writer too. You want people to pay attention to your arguments so make sure that you subtly let them know who you are and why they should read without being too forceful about it.
“Hi, my name is Peter and I love design! When people first ask to write an essay on this subject I was a little skeptical…”
An example of everyday ‘design’
There are many examples of good design in the world around us that we take for granted. Whether it’s something as simple as a chair or as complex as our own cells…etc… Design influences every aspect of human life without people even noticing so why should they care? The thesis statement: People need to be aware that there is good and bad design everywhere in their lives. Good design can increase productivity but at the same time, bad design can actually harm people physically and mentally if it’s not done properly. People should be more aware.
3. Writing the main body:
After you have written a good introduction and let people know why they should listen to you it’s time to start writing about what design actually is! Remember, don’t just state facts make sure you use examples too. If there are any types of design that you want to look at, make sure you include them in this section, for example, if the essay is on mobile phone design then obviously you should talk about that but if it’s something else then include other examples too.
“Design refers to a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, etc…”
An example of design in the digital age
Today, our lives are dominated by technology and designers are playing a huge role in shaping that future. Design is something that you see every day, on your computer or on your phone but do people think about why they look like they do? The thesis statement: Technology is taking over! While this does have its benefits it has come at the expense of good design. More often than not people don’t pay attention to what they buy because items of poor design stand out so much more than those with good design which is exactly why good designers are so important.
4. Writing the conclusion:
Now you must conclude your essay clearly and concisely! Make sure that you have included all of your main points in the article and that you have connected them to your thesis statement. Remember, this is your last chance to make a change so don’t be afraid to add in some final words or opinions so long as they are coherent!
“Design is everywhere in our lives without people even noticing it. We can learn so much from the design but at the same time we can also lose out if we aren’t paying attention.”
An example of everyday ‘design’
As this essay has hopefully shown readers there are many different kinds of design that affect their lives daily without them even realizing it. From technology to fashion designers are shaping who we are whether we like it or not. The thesis statement: Design is an incredibly powerful tool that can be used for good or bad purposes. Because people don’t tend to pay attention, poor design has become acceptable and while it can save time it’s also causing more harm than good. [Put your thesis statement here]
Wrapping up
Well done! That wasn’t too difficult, was it? Now you know how to write an essay on design. Remember the important points from this article and try applying them in your daily life. You might even find that writing becomes easier when applying what you have learned!